Inspiration: Enchanted Unicorn & Rainbow Birthday Party

I have to admit that this board was inspired by all the gorgeous rainbow cakes I’ve been seeing lately!  I thought I’d take a day off of my how-to series and give you some pretty pictures to look at!

This birthday party was designed for a seven-year-old me.  It’s got second grade Elisa all over it!  In fact, at that age I used to use my grandfather’s typewriter and Xerox machine to create “newspapers” for my family, with poems I’d made up or stories I’d written.  At the bottom of each one was a hand-drawn rainbow with fluffy clouds at each end and a big star and the name of my “publishing house” – Elisa Press.  I was obsessed, too, with unicorns (I was for years) and collected a ton of LisaFrank folders!  I dug up this picture from inside one of my old binders (a Lisa Frank one at that!).  I think I was about 9 when I drew it (the paper is so yellow!):


An Events by Elisa original (no idea why the pony's name was "Carol"). :)

An Events by Elisa original (no idea why the pony's name was "Carol").

Anyway, this inspiration board is for you, Little Elisa! 🙂

Enchanted Unicorn & Rainbows Inspiration Board - Events by Elisa

Enchanted Unicorn & Rainbows Inspiration Board - Events by Elisa

Photo credits (clockwise, from top left): Broke-Ass Bride, Babble, ArtNectar, Inspired Parties, Juicy Bits, Love to Know, The Wedding Queen, SmugMug, Hostess With the Mostess, The Cake Blog, Creative Genius Printables.

3 thoughts on “Inspiration: Enchanted Unicorn & Rainbow Birthday Party

  1. Sometimes I think we’re a lot alike in our creative development as kids. I also created some typewritten newsletters/newspagers as a child (actually the first ones were handwritten/hand-drawn).

    Kids have so many diverse interests. Have you considered designing a custom interactive activity for the guests of each children’s party, based on the child’s interest? (i.e. coloring, crafts project, Lego building game, etc.) One thing that I fondly remember about my mom as a kid is the various creative activities she thought up; one in particular was “going fishing” with fishing poles made out of a dowel, string, and magnet; and construction paper fish with paper clips on them. And other times, I would think up something I wanted to make, such as a “house for Bunny-Bunny” (my finger puppet); my mom came up with the idea of making it out of tongue depressors (which my dad happened to have a bunch of, since he sold them); we glued them together into a house, using Elmer’s glue, painted it, then made a roof out of cardboard and wood dowels.

    Well summary point: I think designing a unique activity that reflects a child’s interests (whether a craft, sport, or toy they love) could be a great selling point for a child’s birthday party…though I know your primary business is weddings.

    • I think that would be such fun! I remember fondly the random projects we’d do as kids too (lots of science-fair-type ones for me and my mom!). You’re right that my primary business – at least my primary target – is weddings, but I can always use fun ideas :). I think that the trick is that until I have an actual event to work on everything is conceptual. So for example the baby shower I’m doing next month isn’t something I’d have ever come up with on my own – but everything about it fits the mother-to-be, and was created for her. So… Point me in the direction of a kid and I’ll be all over coming up with some awesome projects for their birthday! 😉

  2. Pingback: My Enchanted Unicorn and Rainbow Birthday Party (Featured on Hostess With the Mostess!) | Events by Elisa

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