I’m Back, and I’m Thrilled!

“Where have you been?” you might ask…  And with good reason.  I haven’t written a blog post in over a year.  To tell you the truth, there have been some personal things bringing me stress, and I can’t really talk much about them yet.  But I have taken the last week to really reflect on what is important to me, and I am resolved to blog more often.  At least a little more often.  I have SO MUCH to share!

What ultimately spurred me into motion this morning, though, was the news today.  I’m so thrilled to share in the celebration of marriage equality!  I just can’t help but think how this was a long long long time coming.  In twenty or thirty years, it will probably feel to our children like “interracial marriage” does to those of us who grew up in the 1970s and 80s.  Or, as we say, “marriage.” If you look at my website and blog, it’s dotted with couples whose marriages would have been frowned upon or even illegal 50 or 60 years ago.  Today they are simply couples in love.  It’s my sincere hope that we will continue to make strides, as a nation, supporting love and partnership.  In the mean time, I think it’s time for a party!


Photo from Ana + Gina’s Colorful Rustic Handcrafted Wedding, by Kaysha Weiner.